Albergo Bellavista

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Happy Easter

The Hotel bellavista Meublè with all its staff wishes a Peaceful and Happy Easter.  

notte romantica a Monte Isola

Saturday, June 24, the “La Notte Romantica”

Saturday, June 24, the appointment with “La Notte Romantica” returns to Monte Isola, the event promoted nationwide with great success by “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” to celebrate love and beauty in all its forms.   For all lovers (and not only) it will be an unmissable appointment: in a[…]

Montisola gastronomic review featuring the Salami of Monte Isola.

Montisola gastronomic review featuring the Salami of Monte Isola. During these two days, April 20-30 and May 1 in the village of Cure, we could observe a demonstration of salami processing, taste typical Montisola products and at the end of the festival the tastiest salami will be awarded a prize.[…]

Passeggiata sensoriale a Monte Isola

Sensory walk with musician of May 2022

(Italiano) Passeggiata sensoriale con la musicista Claudia Ferretti e la naturopata Enrica Ronchi i suoni e gli odori nel bosco salendo verso il Santuario della Ceriola

Experienze a MonteIsola

Experiences And Events In Monte isola June 2021

EXPERIENCES AND EVENTS In Monte isola June 2021 The Nutritionist Elena Turla proposes in collaboration with local restaurants and trattorias Thursday 24th June 2021 DINNER WITH THE NUTRITIONIST The theme of the evening is healthy eating “eating with the taste of the territory and local products” salami, sardines, honey, oil,[…]

La Bai del Pès

Carzano di Monte Isola – La Bia Del Pès

Nelle giornate di sabato 02 e di domenica 03 giugno 2018, in località Carzano,  si terrà la  bellissima festa  “La Bia Del Pès”, durante la festa si potranno degustare le specialità Monteisolane :Il famoso salame, l’olio e la sardina prodotti di eccellenza  prodotti a  Monte Isola.

eventi 2019 Maggio

Stramontisola – Edizione 2018

STRAMONTISOLA 2018 MAY THE 27TH 2018TOUR OF THE ISLE ( 9,400 KM ) Non competitive Stramontisola is organised by FIASP, in collaboration with ASD Rosa Running Team and FIDAL AICS, under the auspices of the Municipality of Monte Isola. A 9,400 km fast course on the perimeter road of the isle, completely[…]